Amilda GrossAge: 3 years1910–1914
- Name
- Amilda Gross
- Given names
- Amilda
- Surname
- Gross
Birth | May 9, 1910 37 33 |
Christening | May 16, 1910 (Age 7 days) Note: 12/1910 Paten: Johann Fetting & Wilhelmina Kozak
Death of a sister | Renata Gross July 24, 1910 (Age 2 months) Age: 2 J. 4 M. |
Burial of a sister | Renata Gross July 25, 1910 (Age 2 months) Note: 14/1910 Szileli
Birth of a brother | Ernst Gotthard Gross May 5, 1912 (Age 23 months) |
Christening of a brother | Ernst Gotthard Gross May 13, 1912 (Age 2 years) Note: 107/1912 Paten: Adolf, Julius und Christina Redetzky und Urte Gross
Death | April 30, 1914 (Age 3 years) Age: 4 J. |
Burial | May 2, 1914 (2 days after death) Note: 6/1914 Schilelia
Family with parents |
father |
mother |
Birth: March 8, 1877 50 37 — Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen Death: before 1941 — Litauen |
Marriage: March 26, 1900 — Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania |
1 year elder sister |
Helene Martha Gross Birth: April 8, 1901 28 24 — Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: June 10, 1924 — Šilale |
2 years elder sister |
Henrieta Bertha Gross Birth: April 11, 1903 30 26 — Didkemi |
3 years elder sister |
Wilhelmine Leopoldine Gross Birth: April 19, 1906 33 29 — Didkemen |
23 months elder sister |
Renata Gross Birth: March 18, 1908 35 31 — Didkemi Death: July 24, 1910 — Ditkemia |
2 years herself |
Amilda Gross Birth: May 9, 1910 37 33 — Ditkemi Death: April 30, 1914 — Didkema |
2 years younger brother |
Ernst Gotthard Gross Birth: May 5, 1912 39 35 — Didkemen |
3 years younger brother |
Gustav Martin Gross Birth: March 11, 1915 42 38 — Didkemi |
5 years younger brother |
Arturas Emilis Grossas Birth: October 17, 1919 46 42 — Ditkemai Death: December 24, 1919 — Ditkemia |
Christening | 12/1910 Paten: Johann Fetting & Wilhelmina Kozak |
Burial | 6/1914 Schilelia |