
Friedrich Ludwig KosakAge: 56 years18321888

Friedrich Ludwig Kosak
Given names
Friedrich Ludwig
Birth June 8, 1832 36 41
Birth of a brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
June 27, 18364 Um (Age 4 years)

Christening of a brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
June 28, 1836 (Age 4 years)
Note: 120/1836 Test: Daniel Schmidtke, Dor. Aug, Krst. Wisman, An Aug, ..Schmidtke
Note: Johann Ferdinand
Death of a paternal grandfatherChristoph (Christian) Kosak
before 1837 (Age 4 years)

Note: oo 84/1837 Tauroggen, August Kosak Schmidt aus Gaudaten, des verst. Xt..? Kosak jüngster Sohn, ledig…
Note: Nach Praestationstabelle Tauroggen 1779-86 gab es keine Kosak`s in der preußischen Herrschaft Tauroggen in Litauen.
Note: Erst Friedrich II. entschloß sich, Tauroggen gegen einen Gebietsstreifen an der südpreußischen Grenz…
Note: Es gab eine "Versammlung" von "Musquetieren" mit dem Familiennamen Kosak im benachbarten Königreich …
Death of a fatherJohann Kosak
December 13, 1847M. 9. (Age 15 years) Age: 50 J.
Cause: Brustentzündung
Note: Geb.-Ort: Angurkeln. Angurkeln zuerst bei einer Konfirmatin nach 1802 erwähnt.
Burial of a fatherJohann Kosak
December 16, 1847 (Age 15 years)

Note: 197/1847 Tauroggen
Confirmation October 16, 1849 (Age 17 years)
Note: 18/1849 Friedrich Kosak
ChristeningDorothea Gauer
November 20, 1857 (Age 25 years)
Religious marriageAmalie WissmannView this family
September 13, 1862 (Age 30 years)
Note: 76/1862
Birth of a daughter
Wilhelmine Kosak
May 21, 1863M. 8 U. (Age 30 years)
Note: Vater als Ludwig Kosak angegeben.
Christening of a daughterWilhelmine Kosak
May 26, 1863 (Age 30 years)
Godmother: Wilhelmine Wissmannaunt
Godfather: August Wissmannuncle
Godfather: August Kosakuncle
Note: 163/1863 Test. Wilhelmine Wissmann, August Kosak, August Wissmann, Ferdinand Kosak
Birth of a daughter
Johanna Friederike Kosak
July 11, 1865m 5 Uhr (Age 33 years)
Christening of a daughterJohanna Friederike Kosak
July 18, 1865 (Age 33 years)
Godfather: Christian Wissmannuncle
Godmother: Friederike Wissmannaunt
Note: 201/1865 Friedrike Kosak Test. Friedrike Wissmann, Wilhelm Kosak, Wilhelm Gauer, Christian Wissmann, Ferdinand Kosak
Birth of a son
Ferdinand Kosak
July 11, 1868Mittgs 12 (Age 36 years)
Christening of a sonFerdinand Kosak
July 14, 1868 (Age 36 years)
Godmother: Friederike Wissmannaunt
Note: 180/1868 T. Ferdinand Kosak, Wilhelmine Friedrike Wissmann, Wilhelmine Kosak
ChristeningFriedrich Gauer
February 15, 1870 (Age 37 years)
ChristeningAugust Robert Kosak
February 17, 1871 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a daughter
Justine Kosak
April 26, 1871 (Age 38 years)
Christening of a daughterJustine Kosak
May 6, 1871 (Age 38 years)
Note: 116/1871 Paten: Emilie Heidmann, Juliane und August Wissmann
Death of a sisterHenriette Kosak
February 9, 1872ab. 7. (Age 39 years) Age: 48 J.
Cause: Brustfehler
Note: verh. Henriette Heidmann, geb. Kosak
Death of a motherFlorentine Krause
February 9, 1872M. 1. (Age 39 years) Age: 85 J.
Cause: Altersschwäche
Note: Witwe Florentine Kosak, geb. Krause, Frau des Johann Kosak
Death of a daughterJustine Kosak
July 28, 1872 (Age 40 years) Age: 1 1/2 J.
Burial of a daughterJustine Kosak
July 30, 1872 (Age 40 years)

Note: 99/1872 Tauroggen
Death of a sonFerdinand Kosak
March 18, 187310 U. Ab. (Age 40 years) Age: 4 J. 7 M.
Burial of a sonFerdinand Kosak
March 21, 1873 (Age 40 years)

Note: 88/1873 Tauroggen
Birth of a daughter
Johanna Auguste Kosak
July 31, 18735 U. M. (Age 41 years)
1873 (Age 40 years)
Christening of a daughterJohanna Auguste Kosak
August 5, 1873 (Age 41 years)
Note: 205/1873 Test. Wilhelmine Kosak, Henriette Kosak, Friedrich Heidmann (Wirthssohn), Emilie Heidmann (Wirthstochter)
Birth of a son
August Eduard Kosak
June 5, 1876Morgens 9 U. (Age 43 years)
Christening of a sonAugust Eduard Kosak
June 13, 1876 (Age 44 years)
Note: 154/1876 Test. Friedrich Mansch, August Heidmann, Martin Mansch, Amalie u. Christian Wismann
Birth of a son
Johann Friedrich Kosak
October 30, 18796 U. M. (Age 47 years)
Christening of a sonJohann Friedrich Kosak
November 4, 1879 (Age 47 years)
Godfather: August Kosakuncle
Godfather: Eduard GauerRelationship
Note: 258/1879 Test. August Kosak, Eduard Gauer, Wilhelmine Kosak, Wilhelmine Kosak
ChristeningHelene Martha Kosak
May 3, 1881 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a son
August Ludwig Kosak
July 27, 1883 (Age 51 years)
Christening of a sonAugust Ludwig Kosak
August 7, 1883 (Age 51 years)
Godmother: Juliane Heynaunt
Godfather: Eduard GauerRelationship
Note: 217/1883 Test. Julie Wissmann, Eduard Gauer, Caroline Speh, Mertin Naujok, Fridrike Mansch, Friedrich Heidmann, Mathilde Heidmann, Wilhelmine Kasak, Wilhelmine Gauer
Marriage of a childFerdinand GüntherWilhelmine KosakView this family
Type: Religious marriage
December 27, 1883 (Age 51 years) Husband: 24 J. Wife: 20 J.
Note: 74/1883 2. Sohn, 1. Tochter
Death of a sonAugust Ludwig Kosak
July 26, 1885 (Age 53 years) Age: 2 J.
Cause: Keuchhusten
Burial of a sonAugust Ludwig Kosak
July 28, 1885 (Age 53 years)
Note: 125/1885 Tauroggen, Ludwig August Kosak
Death of a sonJohann Friedrich Kosak
March 8, 1886 (Age 53 years) Age: 6 1/2 J.
Burial of a sonJohann Friedrich Kosak
March 12, 1886 (Age 53 years)
Note: 16/1886 Tauroggen
Death July 1, 188810 U. ab. (Age 56 years) Age: 55 J.
Cause of death: Brustfehler
Note: vereh.
Burial July 4, 1888 (3 days after death)
Note: 169/1888 Tauroggen, Friedrich Kasak
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1818
2 years
elder brother
5 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
5 years
elder sister
17 months
4 years
younger brother
Family with Amalie Wissmann - View this family
Marriage: September 13, 1862Tauroggen
8 months
2 years
3 years
3 years
2 years
3 years
3 years
4 years


18/1849 Friedrich Kosak






169/1888 Tauroggen, Friedrich Kasak