
Ferdinand KosakAge: 78 years18461924

Ferdinand Kosak
Given names
Birth February 7, 184612 U. M. 27 23
Christening February 18, 1846 (Age 11 days)
Godfather: Friedrich Heydmannuncle
Godfather: August Kosakuncle
Note: Test. Friedrich Heidmann, August Kosak, Caroline Schultheis, Pauline Fetting
Death of a paternal grandfatherJohann Kosak
December 13, 1847M. 9. (Age 22 months) Age: 50 J.
Cause: Brustentzündung
Note: Geb.-Ort: Angurkeln. Angurkeln zuerst bei einer Konfirmatin nach 1802 erwähnt.
Burial of a paternal grandfatherJohann Kosak
December 16, 1847 (Age 22 months)

Note: 197/1847 Tauroggen
Birth of a brotherJohann August Kosak
April 21, 184812 U. (Age 2 years)
Christening of a brotherJohann August Kosak
April 23, 1848 (Age 2 years)
Godfather: August Kosakuncle
Godmother: Wilhelmine Kosakaunt
Godmother: Henriette Kosakaunt
Note: 108/1848 Test. August Kosak, Pauline Fetting, Wilhelmine Kosak, Henriette Heydmann
Birth of a brotherJohann Friedrich Kosak
November 20, 1850 (Age 4 years)
Christening of a brotherJohann Friedrich Kosak
November 25, 1850 (Age 4 years)
Godmother: Wilhelmine Kosakaunt
Note: 274/1850 Test: Friedrich, Wilhelmine, Louise Kosak
Death of a maternal grandfatherChristian Fetting
December 7, 1852 (Age 6 years) Age: 52 J.
Cause: Blutsturz
Burial of a maternal grandfatherChristian Fetting
December 10, 1852 (Age 6 years)

Note: 266/1852
Birth of a sisterHenriette Kosak
June 10, 1857M.4 U. (Age 11 years)
Christening of a sisterHenriette Kosak
June 12, 1857 (Age 11 years)
Godmother: Wilhelmine Kosakaunt
Godmother: Henriette Kosakaunt
Note: 133/1857 Test. Henriette Fetting, Wilhelmine Kosak, Friedrich Kosak, Ferdinand Kosak, Henriette Heidmann
Death of a brotherJohann Friedrich Kosak
October 7, 1859 (Age 13 years) Age: 9 J.
Cause: Krämpfe
Burial of a brotherJohann Friedrich Kosak
October 10, 1859 (Age 13 years)

Note: 172/1859 Tauroggen
Death of a brotherJohann August Kosak
April 4, 1862 (Age 16 years) Age: 14 J.
Cause: Masern
Burial of a brotherJohann August Kosak
April 6, 1862 (Age 16 years)

Note: 163/1862 Tauroggen
Confirmation September 16, 1862 (Age 16 years)
Religious marriageWilhelmine WissmannView this family
November 25, 1864 (Age 18 years)
Note: 110/1864
Death of a maternal grandmotherHenriette Harder
December 27, 1865 (Age 19 years) Age: 68 J.
Cause: Brustkrankheit
Note: Wittwe
Burial of a maternal grandmotherHenriette Harder
December 30, 1865 (Age 19 years)

Note: 162/1865 Tauroggen
ChristeningAuguste Friedrike Kosak
January 15, 1868 (Age 21 years)
Death of a motherLouise Fetting
June 4, 1868m 10 (Age 22 years) Age: 45 J.

Cause: Typhus
Note: Frau des August K. ?!
Burial of a motherLouise Fetting
June 5, 1868 (Age 22 years)

Note: 99/1868 Tauroggen
Marriage of a parentJohann (Ferdinand) KosakHenriette PetrikView this family
Type: Religious marriage
July 20, 1869 (Age 23 years)
Note: 47/1869 Wittwer Johann Kosak oo Henriette Petrikat
Birth of a son
Eduard Kosak
February 16, 1870M. 9 Uhr (Age 24 years)
Christening of a sonEduard Kosak
March 1, 1870 (Age 24 years)
Note: 45/1870 Test: Ferdinand, August, Henriette u. Amalie Kosak, Friedrich u. Caroline Heidmann, Mertin u. Friederike Mans, Wilhelm Aug
Death of a sonEduard Kosak
June 14, 1871 (Age 25 years) Age: 1 1/4 J.
Burial of a sonEduard Kosak
June 17, 1871 (Age 25 years)

Note: 76/1871 Tauroggen
Death of a paternal grandmotherFlorentine Krause
February 9, 1872M. 1. (Age 26 years) Age: 85 J.
Cause: Altersschwäche
Note: Witwe Florentine Kosak, geb. Krause, Frau des Johann Kosak
Birth of a son
August Ludwig Kosak
January 18, 187310 U. Ab. (Age 26 years)
Christening of a sonAugust Ludwig Kosak
January 26, 1873 (Age 26 years)
Note: 26/1873 Test. August Kosak, Wilhelmine Kosak
Birth of a daughter
Mathilde Kosak
August 8, 1875Nm 5 Uhr (Age 29 years)
1875 (Age 28 years)
Note: 1878, 1892
Christening of a daughterMathilde Kosak
August 24, 1875 (Age 29 years)
Note: Test. Henriette Kosak, Christian Wisman, Amalie, Friedrich u. Ferdinand Kosak, Emilie, August Heidmann
Death of a sonAugust Ludwig Kosak
March 8, 1877 (Age 31 years) Age: 4 J. 2 M.
Cause: Bräune
Burial of a sonAugust Ludwig Kosak
March 11, 1877 (Age 31 years)
Note: 42/1877
Birth of a daughter
Auguste Wilhelmine Kosak
November 10, 18785 U. Morg. (Age 32 years)
Christening of a daughterAuguste Wilhelmine Kosak
November 20, 1878 (Age 32 years)
Note: Test. Wilhelmine u. Ferdinand und Friedrich Kosak, Juliane Wismann, Gottfried Schneiderat u. Johann Schneiderat, Wilhelmine u. August Gauer, Henriette Schneiderat geb. Kosak
ChristeningElse Tranelis
March 6, 1883 (Age 37 years)
Marriage of a childJulius WalatAuguste Wilhelmine KosakView this family
Type: Religious marriage
November 27, 1902 (Age 56 years) Husband: 25 J. Wife: 24 J.
Note: 80/1902
Death March 17, 1924 (Age 78 years) Age: 80 J.
Note: Ehemann der +Marie, Sohn des Ferdinand Kosak
Burial March 19, 1924 (2 days after death)

Note: 18/1924 Tauroggen
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 25, 1844Tauroggen
19 months
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
7 years
younger sister
Father’s family with Henriette Petrik - View this family
Marriage: July 20, 1869Tauroggen
Family with Wilhelmine Wissmann - View this family
Marriage: November 25, 1864Tauroggen
5 years
Eduard Kosak
Birth: February 16, 1870 24 27Angurklen
Death: June 14, 1871Angurklen
3 years
3 years
3 years


Test. Friedrich Heidmann, August Kosak, Caroline Schultheis, Pauline Fetting




1878, 1892


Ehemann der +Marie, Sohn des Ferdinand Kosak


18/1924 Tauroggen