Andreas PhilippAge: 56 years1780–1836
- Name
- Andreas Philipp
- Given names
- Andreas
- Surname
- Philipp
Birth | about 1780 29 Note: Mutter geschätzt
Birth of a son #1 | Johann Andreas Philipp about 1810 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Caroline Philipp about 1811 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Johann Gottlieb Philipp January 29, 1823 (Age 43 years) |
Marriage of a child | Johann Andreas Philipp — Caroline Schubert — View this family Type: Religious marriage October 28, 1834 (Age 54 years) Husband: 25 J. Wife: 24 J.Note: 62/1834 Johann Philip oo Caroline Schubert
Marriage of a child | Johann Friedrich Blank — Caroline Philipp — View this family Type: Religious marriage December 28, 1834 (Age 54 years) Husband: 19 J. Wife: 24 J.Note: 73/1834
Death | August 1, 1836 (Age 56 years) Age: 56 J. |
Burial | August 3, 1836 (2 days after death) Note: 116/1836 Tauroggen
Family with parents |
father |
Andreas Philipp Birth: Death: before 1849 |
mother |
Catharine Birth: about 1751 Death: August 30, 1849 — Bernotiszken |
Marriage: — |
himself |
Andreas Philipp Birth: about 1780 29 Death: August 1, 1836 — Jodpettern |
Andreas Philipp + … … |
himself |
Andreas Philipp Birth: about 1780 29 Death: August 1, 1836 — Jodpettern |
son |
Johann Andreas Philipp Birth: about 1810 30 — Pusiszken Death: March 22, 1878 — Joniszken |
2 years daughter |
Caroline Philipp Birth: about 1811 31 — Pusiszken |
12 years son |
Johann Gottlieb Philipp Birth: January 29, 1823 43 — Puziszken |
Birth | Mutter geschätzt |
Burial | 116/1836 Tauroggen |