
Jons MikelaitisAge: 72 years18741946

Jons Mikelaitis
Given names
Birth about 1874 23 19
Birth of a brotherPetras Mikelat
January 9, 1876 (Age 2 years)
Christening of a brotherPetras Mikelat
January 11, 1876 (Age 2 years)
Note: 8/1876 Paten: Miks Tunatis und Urte Keidatike
Death of a paternal grandfatherKristups Mikelat
January 23, 1891 (Age 17 years) Age: 70 J.
Cause: Asthma
Note: verh.
Burial of a paternal grandfatherKristups Mikelat
January 25, 1891 (Age 17 years)
Note: 4/1891 Botocki, Kristups Mikelaitis
Religious marriageMare BalceratikeView this family
February 1, 1898 (Age 24 years) Husband: 24 J. Wife: 21 J.
Note: 2/1898 Batakiai, Jons Mikelaitis oo Mare Kasulat alias Balserait
Death of a paternal grandmotherMare Serapinike
April 6, 1909 (Age 35 years) Age: 78 J.
Note: Witwe Marija Mikelaitis , geb. Serapinas, des Kristups Mikelaitis
Burial of a paternal grandmotherMare Serapinike
April 8, 1909 (Age 35 years)

Note: 13/1909 Batakiai
Birth of a son
Petras Mikelaitis
September 3, 1913 (Age 39 years)
Christening of a sonPetras Mikelaitis
September 15, 1913 (Age 39 years)
Note: 30/1913 Paten: Petras Szlependorf & Ane Kasiulaitis
Death of a fatherJurgis Mikelat
February 20, 1923 (Age 49 years) Age: 73 J.

Burial of a fatherJurgis Mikelat
February 22, 1923 (Age 49 years)

Note: 4/1923 Batakiai
Death November 11, 1946 (Age 72 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 29, 1872Tauroggen
2 years
2 years
younger brother
Family with Mare Balceratike - View this family
Marriage: February 1, 1898Tauroggen
16 years


2/1898 Batakiai, Jons Mikelaitis oo Mare Kasulat alias Balserait