
Andreas Johann GrossAge: 51 years18731925

Andreas Johann Gross
Given names
Andreas Johann
Birth March 8, 1873 30 34
Christening March 11, 1873 (Age 3 days)
Note: 8/1873 Paten: Andreas Krompholz, Friederike Heyer
Birth of a sisterJuliane Gross
March 1, 1875 (Age 23 months)
Christening of a sisterJuliane Gross
March 5, 1875 (Age 23 months)
Note: 63/1875 Paten: Eduard Neu, Justine Moske
Birth of a brotherChristian Gross
August 18, 1877 (Age 4 years)
Christening of a brotherChristian Gross
August 21, 1877 (Age 4 years)
Note: 32/1877 Paten: Christian Schmidtke, Szule Margis
Birth of a sisterCarolina Anna Gross
October 21, 1879 (Age 6 years)
Christening of a sisterCarolina Anna Gross
October 28, 1879 (Age 6 years)
Note: 31/1879 Paten: Andreas Krumpholz, Caroline Peterat, Paulina Gross, Wilhelm Krumpholz
Death of a sisterCarolina Anna Gross
July 19, 1881 (Age 8 years) Age: 1 J. 8 M.
Burial of a sisterCarolina Anna Gross
July 21, 1881 (Age 8 years)
Note: 27/25/1881 Szillelen
Death of a brotherChristian Gross
August 27, 1881 (Age 8 years) Age: 4 J. 9 T.
Burial of a brotherChristian Gross
August 30, 1881 (Age 8 years)
Note: 34/34/1881 Szillelen
Birth of a sisterFriederike Gross
August 29, 1882 (Age 9 years)
Christening of a sisterFriederike Gross
September 5, 1882 (Age 9 years)
Note: 33/1882 Paten: Alexander Margis, Albertine Preuss
Death of a sisterAne Maria Gross
November 26, 1882 (Age 9 years) Age: 13 J. 7 M.
Burial of a sisterAne Maria Gross
November 28, 1882 (Age 9 years)
Note: 27/31/1882 Schillelen
Death of a sisterFriederike Gross
May 6, 1883 (Age 10 years) Age: 8 M. 7 T.
Burial of a sisterFriederike Gross
May 9, 1883 (Age 10 years)
Note: 8/1883 Schillelen
Birth of a brotherFranz Robert Gross
July 3, 1885 (Age 12 years)
Christening of a brotherFranz Robert Gross
July 14, 1885 (Age 12 years)
Note: 19/1885 Paten: Robert Redetzky, Friederike Habedank, Wilhelm Lange, Mathilde Redetzky
Emigration 1895 (Age 21 years)

Religious marriageHenriette Bertha KosakView this family
March 26, 1900 (Age 27 years) Husband: 26 J. Wife: 23 J.
Address: St. Paulskirche
Note: 7/1900 Johann Gross oo Bertha Kasack; 4590 Marriage License Docket 03.03.1900
Mill Laborer
1900 (Age 26 years)
Note: US Census 1900
Residence June 11, 1900 (Age 27 years)
Note: United States Census, 1900 for John Gross
Note: Charlotte St.
Birth of a daughter
Helene Martha Gross
April 8, 1901 (Age 28 years)
Rückwanderung before 1903 (Age 29 years)

Note: Da Johann Gross Taufpate bei Johann Kosak 08.12.1902 und bei Emil Kosak 03.12.1906 (Bertha ist 1906 auch Taufpatin).
Birth of a daughter
Henrieta Bertha Gross
April 11, 1903 (Age 30 years)
Christening of a daughterHenrieta Bertha Gross
April 20, 1903 (Age 30 years)
Note: 17/1903 Paten: Johann Gross, Pauline Gross
Birth of a daughter
Wilhelmine Leopoldine Gross
April 19, 1906 (Age 33 years)
Christening of a daughterWilhelmine Leopoldine Gross
April 30, 1906 (Age 33 years)
Note: 99/1906 Paten: Julius Knoll und Leopoldina Meier, Pastor: Mattisson
Birth of a daughter
Renata Gross
March 18, 1908 (Age 35 years)
Christening of a daughterRenata Gross
March 23, 1908 (Age 35 years)
Note: 6/1908 Paten: Robert Redetzky & Christina Redetzky
Emigration February 28, 1910 (Age 36 years)
Note: First Name: Johann
Note: Ziel: Schwager Gustav Kosak, Pittsburg; Disonarged, in Hospital, non Immigrant Alien.
Birth of a daughter
Amilda Gross
May 9, 1910 (Age 37 years)
Christening of a daughterAmilda Gross
May 16, 1910 (Age 37 years)
Note: 12/1910 Paten: Johann Fetting & Wilhelmina Kozak
Death of a daughterRenata Gross
July 24, 1910 (Age 37 years) Age: 2 J. 4 M.
Burial of a daughterRenata Gross
July 25, 1910 (Age 37 years)

Note: 14/1910 Szileli
Birth of a son
Ernst Gotthard Gross
May 5, 1912 (Age 39 years)
Christening of a sonErnst Gotthard Gross
May 13, 1912 (Age 39 years)
Note: 107/1912 Paten: Adolf, Julius und Christina Redetzky und Urte Gross
Death of a daughterAmilda Gross
April 30, 1914 (Age 41 years) Age: 4 J.
Burial of a daughterAmilda Gross
May 2, 1914 (Age 41 years)

Note: 6/1914 Schilelia
Birth of a son
Gustav Martin Gross
March 11, 1915 (Age 42 years)
Christening of a sonGustav Martin Gross
March 15, 1915 (Age 42 years)
Note: 1/1915 Paten: Martin Gross, Martha Krompholz
Marriage of a childJohann HerrmannHelene Martha GrossView this family
Type: Religious marriage
September 2, 1918 (Age 45 years) Husband: 24 J. Wife: 17 J.
Note: 36/1918; 4/1918 Šilale, Jonas Herrmanas oo Helena Marta Grossaitė
Birth of a son
Arturas Emilis Grossas
October 17, 1919 (Age 46 years)
Christening of a sonArturas Emilis Grossas
November 9, 1919 (Age 46 years)
Note: 24/1919 Paten: Arturas Juška, Auguste Hermannaitė
Death of a sonArturas Emilis Grossas
December 24, 1919 (Age 46 years) Age: 2 M.
Note: Artur Emilis Grossas
Burial of a sonArturas Emilis Grossas
December 27, 1919 (Age 46 years)

Note: 28/1919 Šilale
Death of a fatherChristian Gross
April 6, 1921 (Age 48 years) Age: 84 J.

Note: verh. Christian Grossas mit Karolynė, geb. Habedank
Burial of a fatherChristian Gross
April 8, 1921 (Age 48 years)

Note: 5/1921 Šilale
Death of a motherAnna Karolina Habedank
March 8, 1922 (Age 49 years) Age: 90 J.
Note: Karolyne Grossienė, geb. Habedank
Burial of a motherAnna Karolina Habedank
March 11, 1922 (Age 49 years)

Note: 8/1922 Šilale
Residence 1922 (Age 48 years)
Death of a daughterHelene Martha Gross
June 10, 192412 val 30 m (Age 51 years) Age: -
Cause: prie gimdymo.
Note: verh. Helena Marta Hermanienė
Burial of a daughterHelene Martha Gross
June 12, 1924 (Age 51 years)

Note: 12/1924 Šilale
Death January 30, 1925 (Age 51 years) Age: 52 J.
Note: verh. Andreas Jonas Grossas mit Berta, geb. Kazakaitė
Burial February 1, 1925 (2 days after death)

Note: 2/1925 Šilale
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 1, 1864Tauroggen
14 months
elder sister
9 months
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
Ane Maria Gross
Birth: February 25, 1869 26 30Didkemen
Death: November 26, 1882Didkehmen
23 months
elder brother
2 years
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Marie Nikszat - View this family
Marriage: November 25, 1862Tauroggen
Family with Henriette Bertha Kosak - View this family
Marriage: March 26, 1900Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
1 year
2 years
3 years
23 months
2 years
2 years
3 years
5 years


8/1873 Paten: Andreas Krompholz, Friederike Heyer


7/1900 Johann Gross oo Bertha Kasack; 4590 Marriage License Docket 03.03.1900


US Census 1900


United States Census, 1900 for John Gross Name: John Gross Residence: Pittsburgh city, Allegheny, Pennsylvania Birth Date: Mar 1873 Birthplace: Russia Relationship to Head of Household: Self Spouse: Bertha Gross Spouse's Birthplace: Russia Father's Birthplace: Russia Mother's Birthplace: Russia Race or Color (expanded): White Head-of-household Name: John Gross Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Immigration Year: 1895 Household Gender Age John Gross M Spouse Bertha Gross F John Guslter M Julius Lusch M Adam Gross M Agusta Gross F Emma Gross F Julius Gross M


Charlotte St.


Da Johann Gross Taufpate bei Johann Kosak 08.12.1902 und bei Emil Kosak 03.12.1906 (Bertha ist 1906 auch Taufpatin).


First Name: Johann Last Name: Gross Ethnicity: Russia Russian Last Place of Residence: Ditkehmen, Russia Date of Arrival: Mar 14, 1910 Age at Arrival: 37y Gender: M Marital Status: M Ship of Travel: Darmstadt Port of Departure: Bremen Manifest Line Number: 0014


Ziel: Schwager Gustav Kosak, Pittsburg; Disonarged, in Hospital, non Immigrant Alien.


verh. Andreas Jonas Grossas mit Berta, geb. Kazakaitė


2/1925 Šilale

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