Wilbert Friedrick KoehlerAge: 83 years1913–1996
- Name
- Wilbert Friedrick Koehler
- Given names
- Wilbert Friedrick
- Surname
- Koehler
Birth | February 20, 1913 33 31 |
Birth of a sister | Ruth Helen Koehler March 18, 1915 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a sister | Selma Bertha “Bobbie” Koehler June 2, 1917 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a sister | Dorothy Irene “Dolly” Koehler July 18, 1919 (Age 6 years) |
Residence | 1920 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Henriette Wilhelmine Dalchau February 14, 1922 – 5 ab. (Age 8 years) Age: 82 J. Cause: Altersschwäche Note: Witwe Henriette-Wilhelmine Kosak/Kasak, geb. Dalchau
Burial of a maternal grandmother | Henriette Wilhelmine Dalchau February 17, 1922 (Age 8 years) Note: 11/1922 Tauroggen
Death of a mother | Helene Martha Kosak January 28, 1936 (Age 22 years) |
Death of a father | Julius Albert Kehler April 24, 1958 (Age 45 years) |
Death of a sister | Amilda Henretta “Mildred” Koehler March 4, 1989 (Age 76 years) |
Death of a sister | Martha Natalie Koehler November 26, 1990 (Age 77 years) |
Death | August 14, 1996 (Age 83 years) Age: 83 J. Note: Dr. Wilbert K. Koehler, 83, of Monterey, Calif., former physics teacher for Punahou School, died Aug. 14 at home. Koehler was a retired dean and professor of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif. He also was a U.S. Navy veteran who served during World War II. Koehler is survived by wife Vivian; sons Gary and Robert; sisters Ruth Collyer, Selma Harbour and Dorothy Reed; and four grandchildren. No services.
Family with parents |
father |
Julius Albert Kehler Birth: June 2, 1879 — Smakuczen Death: April 24, 1958 — Albion, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania |
mother |
Helene Martha Kosak Birth: April 30, 1881 54 41 — Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen Death: January 28, 1936 — Albion, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania |
Marriage: April 20, 1904 — Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania |
17 months elder sister |
Amilda Henretta “Mildred” Koehler Birth: October 3, 1905 26 24 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: March 4, 1989 — Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania |
23 months elder sister |
Martha Natalie Koehler Birth: September 7, 1907 28 26 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: November 26, 1990 — Ripley, Chautauqua County, New York |
2 years elder brother |
Julius Albert Arnold Koehler Birth: January 17, 1910 30 28 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: March 14, 1911 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania |
18 months elder brother |
Bruno Koehler Birth: July 17, 1911 32 30 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: April 12, 1912 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania |
19 months himself |
Wilbert Friedrick Koehler Birth: February 20, 1913 33 31 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: August 14, 1996 — Monterey, California |
2 years younger sister |
Ruth Helen Koehler Birth: March 18, 1915 35 33 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: September 5, 2008 — Erie, Pennsylvania |
2 years younger sister |
Selma Bertha “Bobbie” Koehler Birth: June 2, 1917 38 36 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: February 19, 2009 — Anchorage, Alaska |
2 years younger sister |
Dorothy Irene “Dolly” Koehler Birth: July 18, 1919 40 38 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: November 6, 1999 — Honolulu, Hawaii |
Family with Vivian C. Gearhart |
himself |
Wilbert Friedrick Koehler Birth: February 20, 1913 33 31 — North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Death: August 14, 1996 — Monterey, California |
wife |
Vivian C. Gearhart Birth: about 1914 Death: after 1996 |
son |
Private |
son |
Private |
Death | Dr. Wilbert K. Koehler, 83, of Monterey, Calif., former physics teacher for Punahou School, died Aug. 14 at home. Koehler was a retired dean and professor of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif. He also was a U.S. Navy veteran who served during World War II. Koehler is survived by wife Vivian; sons Gary and Robert; sisters Ruth Collyer, Selma Harbour and Dorothy Reed; and four grandchildren. No services. |