Jons PetkusAge: 70 years1770–1840
- Name
- Jons Petkus
- Given names
- Jons
- Surname
- Petkus
Birth | about 1770 |
Religious marriage | Ane — View this family yes |
Birth of a son #1 | Jurgis Petkus about 1800 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Ane Petkike about 1812 (Age 42 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Else Petkus about 1813 (Age 43 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Miks Petkus about 1814 (Age 44 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | Kristup Petkus about 1818 (Age 48 years) |
Marriage of a child | Jurgis Szlakat — Ane Petkike — View this family Type: Religious marriage February 25, 1834 (Age 64 years) Husband: 27 J. Wife: 22 J.Note: 12/1834 Jurgis Szlakat oo Ane Petkike
Marriage of a child | Miks Petkus — Mare Naujokike — View this family Type: Religious marriage March 30, 1836 (Age 66 years) Husband: 20 J. Wife: 20 J.Note: 41/1836
Death | January 14, 1840 (Age 70 years) Age: 70 J |
Burial | January 16, 1840 (2 days after death) Note: 3/1840
Family with Ane |
himself |
Jons Petkus Birth: about 1770 Death: January 14, 1840 — Gurklen |
wife |
Ane Birth: about 1778 Death: January 16, 1848 — Gurkeln |
Marriage: — |
son |
Jurgis Petkus Birth: about 1800 30 22 — Trukiszken Death: July 28, 1865 — Trukiszken |
13 years daughter |
Ane Petkike Birth: about 1812 42 34 — Trukiszken Death: February 23, 1853 — Gurkeln |
2 years daughter |
Else Petkus Birth: about 1813 43 35 — Trukiszken |
2 years son |
Miks Petkus Birth: about 1814 44 36 — Trukiszken Death: February 5, 1844 — Trukiszken |
5 years son |
Kristup Petkus Birth: about 1818 48 40 — Trukiszken Death: May 18, 1878 — Gurklen |
Burial | 3/1840 |