
August KosakAge: 76 years18261903

August Kosak
Given names
Birth September 8, 1826 30 35
Birth of a sisterWilhelmine Kosak
about 1831 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherFriedrich Ludwig Kosak
June 8, 1832 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
June 27, 18364 Um (Age 9 years)
Christening of a brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
June 28, 1836 (Age 9 years)
Note: 120/1836 Test: Daniel Schmidtke, Dor. Aug, Krst. Wisman, An Aug, ..Schmidtke
Note: Johann Ferdinand
Death of a paternal grandfatherChristoph (Christian) Kosak
before 1837 (Age 10 years)

Note: oo 84/1837 Tauroggen, August Kosak Schmidt aus Gaudaten, des verst. Xt..? Kosak jüngster Sohn, ledig…
Note: Nach Praestationstabelle Tauroggen 1779-86 gab es keine Kosak`s in der preußischen Herrschaft Tauroggen in Litauen.
Note: Erst Friedrich II. entschloß sich, Tauroggen gegen einen Gebietsstreifen an der südpreußischen Grenz…
Note: Es gab eine "Versammlung" von "Musquetieren" mit dem Familiennamen Kosak im benachbarten Königreich …
Confirmation October 26, 1841 (Age 15 years)
Note: 5/5/1841

Residence 1841 (Age 14 years)
Military after 1843 (Age 16 years)

Note: Es gibt Andeutungen, dass August ca. 25 Jahre beim Militär war. Wo ? Wann ? Bei welchem ? .... (beim Zaren)
Death of a fatherJohann Kosak
December 13, 1847M. 9. (Age 21 years) Age: 50 J.
Cause: Brustentzündung
Note: Geb.-Ort: Angurkeln. Angurkeln zuerst bei einer Konfirmatin nach 1802 erwähnt.
Burial of a fatherJohann Kosak
December 16, 1847 (Age 21 years)

Note: 197/1847 Tauroggen
ChristeningJohann August Kosak
April 23, 1848 (Age 21 years)
ChristeningFriedrich August Heydmann
April 14, 1849 (Age 22 years)
ChristeningJohann Friedrich Kosak
April 30, 1852 (Age 25 years)
Religious marriageHenriette Wilhelmine DalchauView this family
before 1871 (Age 44 years)

Note: Vermutlich in Piktupönen. Es gab die Tradition in dem Heimat-Kirchspiel der Frau zu heiraten.
Birth of a son
August Robert Kosak
February 11, 18713 Uhr (Age 44 years)
Christening of a sonAugust Robert Kosak
February 17, 1871 (Age 44 years)
Godmother: Justineaunt
Note: 47/1871 Paten: Friedrich Kosak, Justine Dalchau; Küster: Sperber
Death of a sisterHenriette Kosak
February 9, 1872ab. 7. (Age 45 years) Age: 48 J.
Cause: Brustfehler
Note: verh. Henriette Heidmann, geb. Kosak
Death of a motherFlorentine Krause
February 9, 1872M. 1. (Age 45 years) Age: 85 J.
Cause: Altersschwäche
Note: Witwe Florentine Kosak, geb. Krause, Frau des Johann Kosak
Birth of a son
Johann Hermann Kosak
April 24, 187310 U. ab. (Age 46 years)
Christening of a sonJohann Hermann Kosak
April 29, 1873 (Age 46 years)
Godmother: Justineaunt
Note: 116/1873 Test. Ferdinand Kosak Wirt, Justine Delchau Wirtsfrau
Birth of a daughter
Henriette Bertha Kosak
March 8, 1877ab 10 U. (Age 50 years)
1877 (Age 50 years)
Note: 1881
Christening of a daughterHenriette Bertha Kosak
April 3, 1877 (Age 50 years)
Note: 89/1877 Test. Henriette Treichler, Henriette Kosak, Justine Ziege, Ferdinand Kosak
Birth of a son
Gustav Albert Kosak
March 22, 18795 Uhr (Age 52 years)
Christening of a sonGustav Albert Kosak
April 3, 1879 (Age 52 years)
Godfather: Johann Klemannuncle
Note: 85/1879 Test: Johann Klemann, Ferdinand Kosak, Henriette Treichler, Amalie & Wilhelmine Kosak, Auguste Heidemann, Wilhelmine Heidemann, Auguste Gauer
ChristeningJohann Friedrich Kosak
November 4, 1879 (Age 53 years)
Birth of a daughter
Helene Martha Kosak
April 30, 18819 Uhr abends (Age 54 years)
Christening of a daughterHelene Martha Kosak
May 3, 1881 (Age 54 years)
Note: 114/1881 Pastor: Pipirs, Test: Justine Zieher, Wilhelmine Kosak, Friedrich Kosak
Birth of a daughter
Wilhelmine Henriette Kosak
May 25, 1886 (Age 59 years)
Christening of a daughterWilhelmine Henriette Kosak
June 1, 1886 (Age 59 years)
Godfather: Johann Klemannuncle
Note: 150/1886 Paten: Ferd. Kosak, Joh. Klemann, Friedr. Heidmann, Mathilde Heidmann, Henriette Schlieter
Death of a brotherFriedrich Ludwig Kosak
July 1, 188810 U. ab. (Age 61 years) Age: 55 J.
Cause: Brustfehler
Note: vereh.
Burial of a brotherFriedrich Ludwig Kosak
July 4, 1888 (Age 61 years)
Note: 169/1888 Tauroggen, Friedrich Kasak
ChristeningAugust Johann Meyer
April 1, 1890 (Age 63 years)
Death of a brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
November 1, 1891 (Age 65 years) Age: 55 J.
Cause: Husten
Note: verh. Ferdinand Kasak
Burial of a brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
November 3, 1891 (Age 65 years)
Note: 184/1891 Tauroggen
1893 (Age 66 years)
Marriage of a childJohann Hermann KosakJustine PhilippView this family
Type: Religious marriage
July 30, 1895 (Age 68 years) Husband: 22 J. Wife: 26 J.
Note: 52/1895 Johann Hermann Kozsak oo Justine Philipp
Marriage of a childAndreas Johann GrossHenriette Bertha KosakView this family
Type: Religious marriage
March 26, 1900 (Age 73 years) Husband: 26 J. Wife: 23 J.
Address: St. Paulskirche
Note: 7/1900 Johann Gross oo Bertha Kasack; 4590 Marriage License Docket 03.03.1900
Marriage of a childAugust Robert KosakElse TranelisView this family
Type: Religious marriage
April 10, 1901 (Age 74 years) Husband: 30 J. Wife: 18 J.
Note: 23/1901 August Robert Kosak oo Else Tranelike

Death of a sisterWilhelmine Kosak
May 15, 19021/4 6 morg. (Age 75 years) Age: 71 J.
Cause: Lungenstiche
Note: verh. Wilhelmine Gauer, geb. Kasak
Burial of a sisterWilhelmine Kosak
May 17, 1902 (Age 75 years)

Note: 53/1902 Riga
1903 (Age 76 years)
Death March 3, 19036 U. Abends (Age 76 years) Age: -
Cause of death: Altersschwäche
Note: verh.

Burial March 5, 1903 (2 days after death)

Note: 38/1903 Tauroggen
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1818
2 years
elder brother
5 years
elder sister
3 years
5 years
younger sister
17 months
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
Family with Henriette Wilhelmine Dalchau - View this family
Marriage: before 1871
1 month
AugustRobertKosak.jpgAugust Robert Kosak
Birth: February 11, 1871 44 31Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen
Death: October 18, 1927Dargaiszen, Amtsbezirk Gauren, Kreis Tauroggen, Litauen
2 years
4 years
2 years
2 years
5 years




Es gibt Andeutungen, dass August ca. 25 Jahre beim Militär war. Wo ? Wann ? Bei welchem ? .... (beim Zaren)


Vermutlich in Piktupönen. Es gab die Tradition in dem Heimat-Kirchspiel der Frau zu heiraten.






38/1903 Tauroggen

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Note: Pittsburgh Anfang 20 Jh., Geschwister
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Note: Pittsburgh Anfang 20 Jh., Geschwister