Jonas JokubaitisAge: 75 years1920–1995
- Name
- Jonas Jokubaitis
- Given names
- Jonas
- Surname
- Jokubaitis
Family with parents |
father |
Adoms Jokubat Birth: November 1, 1865 19 — Miszeiken Death: before 1946 |
mother |
Ane Gawenike Birth: September 20, 1896 37 23 |
Marriage: May 6, 1919 — Taurage |
20 months himself |
Jonas Jokubaitis Birth: 1920 54 23 Death: 1995 |
Family with Ona Kasiulyte |
himself |
Jonas Jokubaitis Birth: 1920 54 23 Death: 1995 |
wife |
Ona Kasiulyte Birth: September 15, 1927 34 25 — Santakai Death: September 30, 2015 — Vilnius |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |