
Justine Auguste KosakAge: 42 years18331876

Justine Auguste Kosak
Given names
Justine Auguste
Birth September 3, 1833 31 30
Birth of a sisterWilhelmine Kosak
July 23, 18368 U ab (Age 2 years)
Christening of a sisterWilhelmine Kosak
July 25, 1836 (Age 2 years)
Godfather: Johann Kosakuncle
Note: 134/1836 Test. An Aug, Joh. Kosak Schmied, Florentine Meyer
Death of a paternal grandfatherChristoph (Christian) Kosak
before 1837 (Age 3 years)

Note: oo 84/1837 Tauroggen, August Kosak Schmidt aus Gaudaten, des verst. Xt..? Kosak jüngster Sohn, ledig…
Note: Nach Praestationstabelle Tauroggen 1779-86 gab es keine Kosak`s in der preußischen Herrschaft Tauroggen in Litauen.
Note: Erst Friedrich II. entschloß sich, Tauroggen gegen einen Gebietsstreifen an der südpreußischen Grenz…
Note: Es gab eine "Versammlung" von "Musquetieren" mit dem Familiennamen Kosak im benachbarten Königreich …
Death of a motherKatrine Luise Mansch
February 4, 18377 U. Abends (Age 3 years) Age: 34 J.
Note: verh. Katharine Kosak, geb. Mansch
Burial of a motherKatrine Luise Mansch
February 6, 1837 (Age 3 years)

Note: 18/1837 Tauroggen, Vormittags
Birth of a half-brotherFriedrich Wilhelm Kosak
December 30, 1837 (Age 4 years)
Christening of a half-brotherFriedrich Wilhelm Kosak
January 1, 1838 (Age 4 years)
Note: Test: Wilhelm Kreuzer Tischler, Flore Meyer Wirtsfrau, Joh. Kosak Schmied
Death of a half-brotherFriedrich Wilhelm Kosak
January 9, 1838 (Age 4 years) Age: 10 T.
Note: Wilhelm Kreuzer (Kosak)
Burial of a half-brotherFriedrich Wilhelm Kosak
January 11, 1838 (Age 4 years)

Note: 8/1838 Tauroggen
Marriage of a parentAugust KosakHenriette (Dorothea) Ney (Neu)View this family
Type: Religious marriage
May 29, 1838 (Age 4 years) Husband: 34 J. Wife: 25 J.
Note: 31/1838
Birth of a half-brotherJohann Friedrich Kosak
March 18, 18394 Um (Age 5 years)
Christening of a half-brotherJohann Friedrich Kosak
March 20, 1839 (Age 5 years)
Note: 48/1839 Test: Gottlieb Gehrke, Johann Westphal, Wilhelmine Sieg
Birth of a half-sisterAmalie Kosak
April 20, 18415 U m (Age 7 years)
Note: Amalie Koszak
Christening of a half-sisterAmalie Kosak
April 21, 1841 (Age 7 years)
Note: 96/1841 Test: Henriette Kosak, Wilhelmine Sieg, Carl Neu
Birth of a half-sisterAna Dorothea Kosak
March 14, 184311 U ab (Age 9 years)
Note: Dorothea Kosak
Christening of a half-sisterAna Dorothea Kosak
March 17, 1843 (Age 9 years)
Note: 69/1843 Test: Henriette Kosak, Johann Mans, Elisabeth Schmidt, Wilhelmine Schwender
Death of a half-sisterAna Dorothea Kosak
July 23, 1844 (Age 10 years) Age: 1 1/2 J.
Cause: Pocken
Burial of a half-sisterAna Dorothea Kosak
July 25, 1844 (Age 10 years)

Note: 117/1844 Tauroggen
Birth of a half-sisterAna Caroline Kosak
March 19, 18456 u m (Age 11 years)
Christening of a half-sisterAna Caroline Kosak
March 20, 1845 (Age 11 years)
Note: 120/1845 Test: Wilhelmine Schwendler, Johann Kosak
Death of a maternal grandmotherKatharina Westphal
August 14, 1845 (Age 11 years) Age: 70 J.
Cause: Durchfall
Note: verh.
Burial of a maternal grandmotherKatharina Westphal
August 16, 1845 (Age 11 years)

Note: 113/1845
Death of a maternal grandfatherGottfried Mans
June 13, 1847 (Age 13 years) Age: 85 J.
Cause: Lähmung
Note: Wittwer
Burial of a maternal grandfatherGottfried Mans
June 15, 1847 (Age 13 years)

Note: 11671847
Birth of a half-sisterEleonore Kosak
October 19, 1847m 6 U (Age 14 years)
Note: Mutter: Dorothea geb. Ney
Christening of a half-sisterEleonore Kosak
October 20, 1847 (Age 14 years)
Note: Datum unklar; Test: Caroline Lipke, Mertins Jonuszat
Confirmation October 24, 1848 (Age 15 years)
Residence 1848 (Age 14 years)
Birth of a half-brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
February 21, 1850 (Age 16 years)
Note: Mutter: Henriette Ney
Christening of a half-brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
March 13, 1850 (Age 16 years)
Note: 76/1850 Test: Andreas Kruschat, Wilhelmine Neu
Death of a half-brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
October 7, 1851 (Age 18 years) Age: 1 1/2 J.
Cause: Hitze
Burial of a half-brotherJohann Ferdinand Kosak
October 9, 1851 (Age 18 years)

Note: 125/1851 Tauroggen
Birth of a half-sisterAnna Marie Kosak
July 30, 1852M. 4 (Age 18 years)
Christening of a half-sisterAnna Marie Kosak
August 3, 1852 (Age 18 years)
Note: 192/1852 Test: Anna Sophie Schwender, Jurgis Balandis
Death of a half-sisterPauline Kosack
August 26, 1853 (Age 19 years) Age: 6 W.
Note: Pauline Kosack ? Tochter des August K.
Note: Zuordnung ??
Burial of a half-sisterPauline Kosack
August 28, 1853 (Age 19 years)

Note: 301/1853 Tauroggen
Death of a half-brotherJohann Friedrich Kosak
July 21, 1854 (Age 20 years) Age: 14 J.
Cause: hitzige Krankheit
Note: Friedrich Kosak
Burial of a half-brotherJohann Friedrich Kosak
July 23, 1854 (Age 20 years)

Note: 97/1854 Tauroggen
Birth of a half-sisterJuliane Kosak
May 10, 1855fr. 4 U. (Age 21 years)
Christening of a half-sisterJuliane Kosak
May 16, 1855 (Age 21 years)
Note: 77/1855 Test: Wilhelmine Schwender, Friedrich Wilhelm Schwender Bauernsohn
Religious marriageLudwig WissmannView this family
July 31, 1859 (Age 25 years)
Note: 68/1859
Residence 1859 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Wilhelmine Wissmann
August 29, 1863 (Age 29 years)
Christening of a daughterWilhelmine Wissmann
August 30, 1863 (Age 29 years)
Note: 239/1863 Test: Louise Kacht (?), Michael Mielatis, Henriette Wissmann
Birth of a daughter
Henriette Wissmann
November 22, 1865Nm (Age 32 years)
Death of a daughterHenriette Wissmann
November 23, 1865 (Age 32 years) Age: 1 Tag
Cause: Schwäche
Christening of a daughterHenriette Wissmann
November 23, 1865 (Age 32 years)
Note: 336/1865 Test: Friedrike Wissmann, August Wissmann, Wilhelmine & August Kosak
Burial of a daughterHenriette Wissmann
November 25, 1865 (Age 32 years)

Note: 146/1865
Death of a sisterHenriette Kosak
December 19, 1865 (Age 32 years) Age: 40 J.
Cause: Abzehrung
Note: verh.
Burial of a sisterHenriette Kosak
December 22, 1865 (Age 32 years)

Note: 157/1865 Tauroggen
Birth of a son
August Wissmann
April 19, 1867M. 5 (Age 33 years)
Note: Mutter: Auguste Kasak
Christening of a sonAugust Wissmann
April 20, 1867 (Age 33 years)
Note: 136/1867 Test: August Wissmann, Wilhelmine Kosak
Death of a fatherAugust Kosak
before 1868 (Age 34 years)

Birth of a daughter
Johanna Amalie Wissmann
about 1870 (Age 36 years)

Birth of a daughter
Emma Wissmann
December 11, 1872 (Age 39 years)
Christening of a daughterEmma Wissmann
July 21, 1874 (Age 40 years)
Address: Test: Auguste Kosak, August Kosak
Death before 1876 (Age 42 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before 1827
4 months
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
4 years
3 years
younger sister
Father’s family with Justine Kreuzer - View this family
Father’s family with Henriette (Dorothea) Ney (Neu) - View this family
Marriage: May 29, 1838Tauroggen
10 months
2 years
23 months
2 years
3 years
2 years
2 years
Family with Ludwig Wissmann - View this family
Marriage: July 31, 1859Tauroggen
4 years
2 years
Henriette Wissmann
Birth: November 22, 1865 28 32Trukiszken
Death: November 23, 1865Trukiszken
17 months
4 years
3 years
Ludwig Wissmann + Wilhelmine Bertha Odau - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: November 28, 1876Tauroggen
1 year
3 years
2 years
4 years
2 years
2 years
13 months
4 years
17 months
4 years
2 years
2 years

