Wilhelmine KosakAge: 71 years1831–1902
- Name
- Wilhelmine Kosak
- Given names
- Wilhelmine
- Surname
- Kosak
Birth | about 1831 35 40 |
Birth of a brother | Friedrich Ludwig Kosak June 8, 1832 (Age 17 months) |
Birth of a brother | Johann Ferdinand Kosak June 27, 1836 – 4 Um (Age 5 years) |
Christening of a brother | Johann Ferdinand Kosak June 28, 1836 (Age 5 years) Godfather: Daniel Schmidtke — Relationship Note: 120/1836 Test: Daniel Schmidtke, Dor. Aug, Krst. Wisman, An Aug, ..Schmidtke
Note: Johann Ferdinand
Death of a paternal grandfather | Christoph (Christian) Kosak before 1837 (Age 6 years) Note: oo 84/1837 Tauroggen, August Kosak Schmidt aus Gaudaten, des verst. Xt..? Kosak jüngster Sohn, ledig… Note: Nach Praestationstabelle Tauroggen 1779-86 gab es keine Kosak`s in der preußischen Herrschaft Tauroggen in Litauen.
Confirmation | October 13, 1846 (Age 15 years) Note: 12/1846
Christening | Emilie Heidmann November 27, 1846 (Age 15 years) |
Residence | 1846 (Age 15 years) |
Death of a father | Johann Kosak December 13, 1847 – M. 9. (Age 16 years) Age: 50 J. Cause: Brustentzündung Note: Geb.-Ort: Angurkeln. Angurkeln zuerst bei einer Konfirmatin nach 1802 erwähnt.
Burial of a father | Johann Kosak December 16, 1847 (Age 16 years) Note: 197/1847 Tauroggen
Christening | Henriette Kosak June 12, 1857 (Age 26 years) |
Christening | Wilhelmine Heidmann September 20, 1858 (Age 27 years) |
Religious marriage | Wilhelm Gauer — View this family February 9, 1862 (Age 31 years) Note: 23/1862
Residence | 1862 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Ferdinand Wilhelm Gauer January 14, 1863 (Age 32 years) |
Christening of a son | Ferdinand Wilhelm Gauer January 20, 1863 (Age 32 years) Godfather: Johann Ferdinand Kosak — uncle Godfather: Johann (Ferdinand) Kosak — uncle Godmother: Henriette Kosak — aunt Note: 16/1863 Test. Ferdin. & Johann Kosak, Leopold Gehrke, Henriette Heidmann
Death of a son | Ferdinand Wilhelm Gauer January 30, 1863 (Age 32 years) Age: 28 W. ? Note: Ferdinand Gauer
Burial of a son | Ferdinand Wilhelm Gauer February 2, 1863 (Age 32 years) Note: 14/1863 Tauroggen
Birth of a daughter #2 | Amalie Gauer September 6, 1864 – M. 2 U. (Age 33 years) |
Christening of a daughter | Amalie Gauer September 13, 1864 (Age 33 years) Godmother: Emilie Heidmann — first cousin Godfather: Wilhelm Goerke — Relationship Note: 241/1864 Test. Emilie Heydmann, Friedrich Gronau, Wilhelm Schröder, Wilhelm Görke
Christening | Caroline Pauline Heidmann March 28, 1865 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Auguste Gauer December 9, 1866 – Nm 4 U. (Age 35 years) |
Christening of a daughter | Auguste Gauer December 25, 1866 (Age 35 years) Note: 301/1866 Test. Mathilde Gehrke, Friedrich & Marie Schröder, Louise Kosak
Birth of a son #4 | Friedrich Gauer February 8, 1870 – ab 10 U. (Age 39 years) |
Christening of a son | Friedrich Gauer February 15, 1870 (Age 39 years) Godfather: Friedrich Ludwig Kosak — uncle Godmother: Henriette Petrik — aunt Godmother: Rahel Gauer — aunt Note: 34/1870 Test August Kwedys, Friedrich & Henriette Kosak, Rahel Schröder
Death of a sister | Henriette Kosak February 9, 1872 – ab. 7. (Age 41 years) Age: 48 J. Cause: Brustfehler Note: verh. Henriette Heidmann, geb. Kosak
Death of a mother | Florentine Krause February 9, 1872 – M. 1. (Age 41 years) Age: 85 J. Cause: Altersschwäche Note: Witwe Florentine Kosak, geb. Krause, Frau des Johann Kosak
Marriage of a child | Andreas Ohsoling — Amalie Gauer — View this family Type: Religious marriage April 29, 1884 (Age 53 years) Husband: 25 J. Wife: 19 J.Note: 136/1884
Death of a brother | Friedrich Ludwig Kosak July 1, 1888 – 10 U. ab. (Age 57 years) Age: 55 J. Cause: Brustfehler Note: vereh.
Burial of a brother | Friedrich Ludwig Kosak July 4, 1888 (Age 57 years) Note: 169/1888 Tauroggen, Friedrich Kasak
Death of a brother | Johann Ferdinand Kosak November 1, 1891 (Age 60 years) Age: 55 J. Cause: Husten Note: verh. Ferdinand Kasak
Burial of a brother | Johann Ferdinand Kosak November 3, 1891 (Age 60 years) Note: 184/1891 Tauroggen
Marriage of a child | Johann Georg Pfeiffer — Auguste Gauer — View this family Type: Religious marriage December 26, 1891 (Age 60 years) Husband: 29 J. Wife: 25 J.Note: 75/1891
Marriage of a child | Friedrich Gauer — Malwine Caroline Friederike Minna Schröder — View this family Type: Religious marriage April 4, 1893 (Age 62 years) Husband: 21 J. Wife: 25 J.Address: Pauls Kirche Note: 30/1893
Death | May 15, 1902 – 1/4 6 morg. (Age 71 years) Age: 71 J. Cause of death: Lungenstiche Note: verh. Wilhelmine Gauer, geb. Kasak
Burial | May 17, 1902 (2 days after death) Note: 53/1902 Riga
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Kosak Birth: about 1796 45 39 — Meldikwirschen, Kreis Tauroggen Death: December 13, 1847 — Angurkeln, Kreis Tauroggen |
mother |
Florentine Krause Birth: about 1791 — Dauglauken Death: February 9, 1872 — Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen |
Marriage: about 1818 — |
2 years elder brother |
Johann (Ferdinand) Kosak Birth: about 1819 23 28 — Angurkeln |
5 years elder sister |
Henriette Kosak Birth: October 10, 1823 27 32 — Angurkeln Death: February 9, 1872 — Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen |
3 years elder brother |
August Kosak Birth: September 8, 1826 30 35 — Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen, Litauen, Zarenreich Russland Death: March 3, 1903 — Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen |
5 years herself |
Wilhelmine Kosak Birth: about 1831 35 40 — Angurkeln Death: May 15, 1902 — Riga, Lettland, Zarenreich Russland |
17 months younger brother |
Friedrich Ludwig Kosak Birth: June 8, 1832 36 41 — Angurkeln Death: July 1, 1888 — Angurklen |
4 years younger brother |
Johann Ferdinand Kosak Birth: June 27, 1836 40 45 — Angurklen Death: November 1, 1891 — Angurklen |
Family with Wilhelm Gauer |
husband |
Wilhelm Gauer Birth: January 12, 1841 39 — Pojuren Death: March 30, 1910 |
herself |
Wilhelmine Kosak Birth: about 1831 35 40 — Angurkeln Death: May 15, 1902 — Riga, Lettland, Zarenreich Russland |
Marriage: February 9, 1862 — Tauroggen |
11 months son |
Ferdinand Wilhelm Gauer Birth: January 14, 1863 22 32 — Ceitiszken Death: January 30, 1863 — Ceitiszken |
20 months daughter |
Amalie Gauer Birth: September 6, 1864 23 33 — Ceitiszken |
2 years daughter |
Auguste Gauer Birth: December 9, 1866 25 35 — Ceitiszken Death: January 1969 — Moskau |
3 years son |
Friedrich Gauer Birth: February 8, 1870 29 39 — Tauroggen |
Confirmation | 12/1846 |
Marriage | 23/1862 |
Death | verh. Wilhelmine Gauer, geb. Kasak |
Burial | 53/1902 Riga |