

Gustav Albert KosakAge: 39 years18791918

Gustav Albert Kosak
Given names
Gustav Albert
Birth March 22, 18795 Uhr 52 39
Christening April 3, 1879 (Age 12 days)
Godfather: Johann Klemannuncle
Note: 85/1879 Test: Johann Klemann, Ferdinand Kosak, Henriette Treichler, Amalie & Wilhelmine Kosak, Auguste Heidemann, Wilhelmine Heidemann, Auguste Gauer
Birth of a sisterHelene Martha Kosak
April 30, 18819 Uhr abends (Age 2 years)
Christening of a sisterHelene Martha Kosak
May 3, 1881 (Age 2 years)
Note: 114/1881 Pastor: Pipirs, Test: Justine Zieher, Wilhelmine Kosak, Friedrich Kosak
Birth of a sisterWilhelmine Henriette Kosak
May 25, 1886 (Age 7 years)
Christening of a sisterWilhelmine Henriette Kosak
June 1, 1886 (Age 7 years)
Godfather: Johann Klemannuncle
Note: 150/1886 Paten: Ferd. Kosak, Joh. Klemann, Friedr. Heidmann, Mathilde Heidmann, Henriette Schlieter
Confirmation August 22, 1893 (Age 14 years)
Note: 16/1893 Gustav Albert Kosak

ChristeningRobert Friedrich Kosak
June 9, 1896 (Age 17 years)
Residence June 9, 1896 (Age 17 years)
Note: Taufpate 1896 bei Robert Friedrich Kosak
Marine ??
about 1898 (Age 18 years)
Note: Ort: Batumi ? Odessa ?, Datum: ?, Kann Jemand die Uniform identifizieren ??

Note: Gustave Standing

Note: Gustave Reverse

Death of a fatherAugust Kosak
March 3, 19036 U. Abends (Age 23 years) Age: -
Cause: Altersschwäche
Note: verh.

Burial of a fatherAugust Kosak
March 5, 1903 (Age 23 years)

Note: 38/1903 Tauroggen
MarriageAdolf Peter KissnerWilhelmine Henriette KosakView this family
July 4, 1908 (Age 29 years)
Emigration before 1909 (Age 29 years)
ChristeningBertha Olga Kisner
May 9, 1909 (Age 30 years)
wagon maker
1909 (Age 29 years)
Note: city directory, Gustave Kasak
MarriageAuguste Friederike ZansingerView this family
after 1909 (Age 29 years)
Residence February 28, 1910 (Age 30 years)
Note: Schwager Johann Gross gibt bei der Auswanderung 1910 Gustav als Reiseziel an. Ist die Reise aber nicht angetreten.
Birth of a daughter
Lydia Kasak
about 1915 (Age 35 years)
Note: US Census 1920, Lieda Kassa
Birth of a son
Albert E. Kasak
1916 (Age 36 years)
Note: US Census 1920, Albert Kassa, 3 8/12
1916 (Age 36 years)
Address: H. Lange, Wagon Co.
Note: city directory, Gustav Kosack
Carpenter (Tischler)
1918 (Age 38 years)
Address: Jones & Laughlin
Death November 9, 1918 (Age 39 years) Age: 38 J.
Address: Jones & Laughlin
Cause of death: Betriebsunfall
Note: Industrial Accidents
Note: 176569/13402/1918 Gustave Kassak
Burial November 12, 1918 (3 days after death)
Cemetery: St. Pauls Cem.

Chronik 2011 (92 years after death)
Note: Gustav Albert Kosak:
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before 1871
1 month
elder brother
AugustRobertKosak.jpgAugust Robert Kosak
Birth: February 11, 1871 44 31Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen
Death: October 18, 1927Dargaiszen, Amtsbezirk Gauren, Kreis Tauroggen, Litauen
2 years
elder brother
4 years
elder sister
2 years
2 years
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
Family with Auguste Friederike Zansinger - View this family
Marriage: after 1909USA
7 years
2 years
Gustav Glass + Auguste Friederike Zansinger - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: about 1923USA


85/1879 Test: Johann Klemann, Ferdinand Kosak, Henriette Treichler, Amalie & Wilhelmine Kosak, Auguste Heidemann, Wilhelmine Heidemann, Auguste Gauer


16/1893 Gustav Albert Kosak


Taufpate 1896 bei Robert Friedrich Kosak


Ort: Batumi ? Odessa ?, Datum: ?, Kann Jemand die Uniform identifizieren ??


city directory, Gustave Kasak


Schwager Johann Gross gibt bei der Auswanderung 1910 Gustav als Reiseziel an. Ist die Reise aber nicht angetreten.


city directory, Gustav Kosack


Industrial Accidents On November 9th, 1918, there was an explosion at the Eliza Furnace of Jones and Laughlin, 2nd Ave. Pittsburgh. The coroner case files includes 25 men that died that same day. All of the men died from Asphyxiation due to being overcome by fumes from the Furnace. Most of the men were bricklayers, but there were also a few riggers, pipe fitters, and unspecified laborers. The men were from 18 to 55 years old. 191811-365 through 191811-389

Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh Works Records


176569/13402/1918 Gustave Kassak


Gustav Albert Kosak: born on March 22, 1879 was the third son and fourth child of AUGUST and HENRIETTE WILHELMINE DALCHAU KOSAK. He was christened April 3, 1879. At fourteen, he was confirmed at the Lutheran church in Tauroggen on August 22, 1893. He, also, immigrated to the United States. However, it is not known how or when. He probably migrated by way of Breman, Germany. Gustav joined his American family in North Braddock. “Uncle Gus” was a favorite uncle of Mildred Koehler Knappke. Eventually, he married Augusta Zanger, affectionately called “Aunt Gussie” by niece MARTHA. They had two children, Lydia and Albert. It seemed this family was well liked by the KOEHLER children. Gustav worked at the Jones & Laughlin steel mills as a carpenter. The company was expanding and new furnaces were being built. Natural gas was used to fire these furnaces. As a new furnace was completed, the gas was turned and it was put to use. As Gustav’s crew was working on one furnace, the gas for a newly completed one next to it was ordered on. By mistake, the gas in the unfinished furnace was turned on instead! Over come by the fumes, Gustav and crew fell to their deaths. Gustav was 39, in the prime of his life, with a wife and two children. His sister, HELENE, was notified by telephone. Few telephones were available at this time. The nearest one was three houses away. “Mother was grating horseradish in the backyard with Mildred and me,” recalls MARTHA KOEHLER ORTON. We had been joking about her crying from the horseradish when the neighbor came with the news. Mother said, “Now I can cry real tears.” His widow and children remained in the Pittsburg area. (Don Orton)

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