

Wilhelmine Henriette KosakAlter: 80 Jahre18861967

Wilhelmine Henriette Kosak
Wilhelmine Henriette
Geburt 25. Mai 1886 59 46
Kindstaufe 1. Juni 1886 (Alter 7 Tage)
Notiz: 150/1886 Paten: Ferd. Kosak, Joh. Klemann, Friedr. Heidmann, Mathilde Heidmann, Henriette Schlieter
Konfirmation 16. Juli 1900 (Alter 14 Jahre)
Notiz: 17/1900 Wilhelmine Henriette Kosak

Auswanderung 17. Juli 1901 (Alter 15 Jahre)
Notiz: Minna Kasak; Fürst Bismark; 14 J.; Letzter Wohnort: Angurklen; Endgültiges Reiseziel: Pittsburgh; Wer hat das Reisegeld gezahlt: sister; Ob Sie zu Verwandten gehen, zu welchen, Name und Wohnort derselben: sister Martha Kasak, Butler St.
Notiz: Ankunft am 27. July 1901 9:30 am

Wohnsitz 1901 (Alter 14 Jahre)
Wohnsitz August 1901 (Alter 15 Jahre)
Adresse: 3810 Butler St.
Tod eines VatersAugust Kosak
3. März 19036 U. Abends (Alter 16 Jahre) Alter: -
Ursache: Altersschwäche
Notiz: verh.

Bestattung eines VatersAugust Kosak
5. März 1903 (Alter 16 Jahre)

Notiz: 38/1903 Tauroggen
Kirchliche TrauungAdolf Peter KissnerDiese Familie ansehen
4. Juli 1908 (Alter 22 Jahre) Ehemann: 26 J. Ehefrau: 22 J.
Adresse: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Notiz: 13/1908 Trauzeugen: Gust. Kosak, Frida Neumann
Geburt einer Tochter
Bertha Olga Kisner
6. April 1909 (Alter 22 Jahre)
Kindstaufe einer TochterBertha Olga Kisner
9. Mai 1909 (Alter 22 Jahre)
Adresse: St. Paulskirche
Notiz: 29/1909 Gustav Kosak, Rosa Bollenbacher
Geburt einer Tochter
Emma Martha Kisner
7. August 1910 (Alter 24 Jahre)
Wohnsitz 1910 (Alter 23 Jahre)
Adresse: 15th Street
Notiz: US Census 1910
Kindstaufe einer TochterEmma Martha Kisner
11. September 1910 (Alter 24 Jahre)
Adresse: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Notiz: 45/1910 Taufpathen: Adolph u. Frau Emilie Bartsch
Tod eines EhemannsAdolf Peter Kissner
1. Dezember 1911 (Alter 25 Jahre)
Notiz: Adolph P. Kissner 11740 Pennsylvania Death Index
Notiz: 117480/8058/1911 Adolph Peter Kissner
Bestattung eines EhemannsAdolf Peter Kissner
4. Dezember 1911 (Alter 25 Jahre)
Friedhof: First St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery

Tod einer TochterBertha Olga Kisner
22. Dezember 1911 (Alter 25 Jahre)
Notiz: Bertha O. Kissner 120971 Pennsylvania Death Index
Tod einer TochterEmma Martha Kisner
3. August 1912 (Alter 26 Jahre)
Notiz: 80371 Pennsylvania Death Index
Notiz: Anna Kissner
Wohnsitz 1916 (Alter 29 Jahre)
HeiratJoseph Benjamin MombergDiese Familie ansehen
Dezember 1916 (Alter 30 Jahre)
Notiz: Marriage Licence 09.12.1916, Joseph B. Momberg - Wilhelmina Kisner
Tod eines BrudersGustav Albert Kosak
9. November 1918 (Alter 32 Jahre) Alter: 38 J.
Adresse: Jones & Laughlin
Ursache: Betriebsunfall
Notiz: Industrial Accidents
Notiz: 176569/13402/1918 Gustave Kassak
Bestattung eines BrudersGustav Albert Kosak
12. November 1918 (Alter 32 Jahre)
Friedhof: St. Pauls Cem.

Wohnsitz 1920 (Alter 33 Jahre)
Adresse: 708 E. 15th
Notiz: US Census: 1920, 1930, 1940
Europareise 15. Juli 1920 (Alter 34 Jahre)
Notiz: Object of visit: To see aged mother and (home)...?!

Rückreise 15. September 1920 (Alter 34 Jahre)
Notiz: First Name: Wilhelmine

Tod einer MutterHenriette Wilhelmine Dalchau
14. Februar 19225 ab. (Alter 35 Jahre) Alter: 82 J.
Ursache: Altersschwäche
Notiz: Witwe Henriette-Wilhelmine Kosak/Kasak, geb. Dalchau

Bestattung einer MutterHenriette Wilhelmine Dalchau
17. Februar 1922 (Alter 35 Jahre)

Notiz: 11/1922 Tauroggen
Tod eines BrudersAugust Robert Kosak
18. Oktober 19271 v. (Alter 41 Jahre) Alter: 56 J.
Ursache: Krebs
Notiz: verh. Robert August Kosak

Bestattung eines BrudersAugust Robert Kosak
20. Oktober 1927 (Alter 41 Jahre)

Notiz: 60/1927 Tauroggen
Tod einer SchwesterHelene Martha Kosak
28. Januar 1936 (Alter 49 Jahre)
Tod eines EhemannsJoseph Benjamin Momberg
23. Januar 1940 (Alter 53 Jahre) Alter: 66 J.
Bestattung eines EhemannsJoseph Benjamin Momberg
25. Januar 1940 (Alter 53 Jahre)
Friedhof: Crown Hill Cemetery

Tod einer SchwesterHenriette Bertha Kosak
vor 1941 (Alter 54 Jahre)
Notiz: vermutlich
Besuch 25. Dezember 1949 (Alter 63 Jahre)

Tod eines BrudersJohann Hermann Kosak
23. Dezember 1952 (Alter 66 Jahre)
Notiz: 8:30 Am
Bestattung eines BrudersJohann Hermann Kosak
24. Dezember 1952 (Alter 66 Jahre)
Friedhof: Greenwood Cemetery
Notiz: John Hermann Kasak
Tod 5. Februar 1967 (Alter 80 Jahre)
Chronik 2011 (43 Jahre nach Tod)

Notiz: Wilhelmine Henriette Kasak:
Friedhof: Crown Hill Cemetery

Familie mit Eltern - Diese Familie ansehen
Heirat: vor 1871
1 Monat
älterer Bruder
2 Jahre
älterer Bruder
4 Jahre
ältere Schwester
2 Jahre
älterer Bruder
2 Jahre
ältere Schwester
5 Jahre
sie selbst
Familie mit Adolf Peter Kissner - Diese Familie ansehen
sie selbst
Heirat: 4. Juli 1908Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
9 Monate
Bertha Olga Kisner
Geburt: 6. April 1909 28 22Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Tod: 22. Dezember 1911N. Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
16 Monate
Emma Martha Kisner
Geburt: 7. August 1910 29 24Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Tod: 3. August 1912Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Familie mit Joseph Benjamin Momberg - Diese Familie ansehen
sie selbst
Heirat: Dezember 1916Sedalia, Pettis County, Missouri
Joseph Benjamin Momberg + Agusta A. Bohling - Diese Familie ansehen
Ehemanns Ehefrau
Heirat: Missouri
5 Jahre


150/1886 Paten: Ferd. Kosak, Joh. Klemann, Friedr. Heidmann, Mathilde Heidmann, Henriette Schlieter


17/1900 Wilhelmine Henriette Kosak


Minna Kasak; Fürst Bismark; 14 J.; Letzter Wohnort: Angurklen; Endgültiges Reiseziel: Pittsburgh; Wer hat das Reisegeld gezahlt: sister; Ob Sie zu Verwandten gehen, zu welchen, Name und Wohnort derselben: sister Martha Kasak, Butler St.


Ankunft am 27. July 1901 9:30 am


13/1908 Trauzeugen: Gust. Kosak, Frida Neumann


US Census 1910


Marriage Licence 09.12.1916, Joseph B. Momberg - Wilhelmina Kisner


US Census: 1920, 1930, 1940


Object of visit: To see aged mother and (home)...?!


First Name: Wilhelmine Last Name: Momberg Ethnicity: US Citizen Last Place of Residence: Sedalia, Miss Date of Arrival: Sep 25, 1920 Age at Arrival: 34y Gender: F Marital Status: M Ship of Travel: Rotterdam Port of Departure: Rotterdam, Holland Manifest Line Number: 0012


Wilhelmine Henriette Kasak: was the youngest of the six KASAK children. She, also, was born in Angurklen on May 25, 1886, five years younger than her sister HELENE. Like her siblings, Wilhelmine was confirmed in the same Tauroggen Lutheran church when she was fourteen, July 16, 1900. Four months later, she emigrated, with HELENE. Did she know at her confirmation that she was leaving home? What would cause a young teenager to make such a radical life changing decision as this? Certainly she knew the possibilities of never seeing her parents again were very real! Again, it is not known what immigration route they took. Most likely to Breman, Germany and from there by ship to New York City. She, then, traveled to Pittsburg, where she met Aldolf Peter Kissner and eventually married him. However, this was not a happy marriage. Two girls are born, Olga Bertha and Emma Martha (perhaps named after Wilhelmine’s older sister). Within nine months, she lost her entire family.

Always a strong man, husband, Aldolf, died an untimely death on December 2, 1911, three days after contracting phenumonia. Shortly thereafter, her daughter Bertha became ill with whooping caught and died. Needing to work to support a young daughter and herself, Wilhelmine gets a friend to care for Emma. This young child developed spinal meningitis which claimed her life.

Wilhelmine was well liked by her nieces who called her “Aunt Minnie.” Hearing from a friend, she moved to Sedalia, Missouri where her brother also lived. There, she found work as a dressmaker. Soon, she met Joseph Benjamin Momberg, who had two ill children. She cared for them and nursed them back to health. Shortly thereafter, they were married. With this marriage, she gained two step-children, Eva Amelia Mary and Raymond. [I remember meeting “Aunt Minnie” once. My family drove to Sedalia to visit them. It was decided that she would return with us to see her Pennsylvania relatives. On the return trip, we stayed at a motel, all of us in one room. With six of us getting ready in the morning, it was a bit snug. Realizing the situation, Aunt Minnie opened the closet door and proceeded to dress behind it. She was a resourceful person, always ready for an adventure.] Aunt Minnie died February 5, 1967 after a full life of eighty-one years. Currently, a branch of the KASAK family still resides in the Sedalia area. (Don Orton)

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