Statistics — rk
This family tree was last updated on June 15, 2024.
Total surnames
Media objects
Total events
Earliest birth year
Earliest death year
Individual who lived the longest
Average age at death
Males: 40 Females: 40
Family with the most children
Average number of children per family
Most common surnames
Blieske, Fetting, Kosak, Lipke, Meyer, Meyer Meyer, Naujoks, Neu, Odau, Odau Odau@N.N., Wenzel, Zansinger
No news articles have been submitted.
August Kosak
Birth: September 8, 1826 30 35 — Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen, Litauen, Zarenreich Russland
Death: March 3, 1903 — Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen
Birth: April 24, 1873 46 33 — Angurklen, Kreis Tauroggen
Death: December 23, 1952 — Jackson County, Missouri
On this day
Record | Date | Event | |
Arthur Schneiderat | February 15, 1920 | 105 | Death |
Ida Martha Schweinert | February 15, 1919 | 106 | Death |
Elzbieta Osvaltaite | February 15, 1915 | 110 | Birth |
Martin Mans | February 15, 1913 | 112 | Death |
Marė Dykmonaitė | February 15, 1913 | 112 | Birth |
Ande Kibelkstis | February 15, 1911 | 114 | Death |
Jurgis Tranelis | February 15, 1910 | 115 | Death |
Bertha Ney (Neu) | February 15, 1902 | 123 | Birth |
Agutte Lorenczike | February 15, 1899 | 126 | Death |
Karl Herbert Alfred Schädlich | February 15, 1891 | 134 | Birth |
Eva | February 15, 1887 | 138 | Birth |
Jons Nobars | February 15, 1886 | 139 | Death |
Johann Paura | February 15, 1886 | 139 | Birth |
August Klemann | February 15, 1885 | 140 | Birth |
Eduard Borkenhagen | February 15, 1884 | 141 | Birth |
Agutte Kasparat | February 15, 1881 | 144 | Death |
Elze Preikszatike | February 15, 1880 | 145 | Birth |
Miks Mertinaitis | February 15, 1877 | 148 | Birth |
Else Juszka | February 15, 1874 | 151 | Death |
Ferdinand Szneiderat | February 15, 1873 | 152 | Death |
Urte Milauskis | February 15, 1870 | 155 | Death |
Sims Szleppendorfs | February 15, 1864 | 161 | Birth |
Ludwig Philipp | February 15, 1863 | 162 | Birth |
Jons Rydemaks | February 15, 1859 | 166 | Birth |
Henriette Timm | February 15, 1859 | 166 | Birth |
Miks Bendiks | February 15, 1845 | 180 | Death |
Malvine Kuczinsky | February 15, 1845 | 180 | Birth |
Ane Justine Hirsch | February 15, 1844 | 181 | Birth |
Amalie Margis | February 15, 1843 | 182 | Birth |
Ane Dykmons | February 15, 1843 | 182 | Birth |
Michael Rhunke | February 15, 1838 | 187 | Death |
Carl Ferdinand Heyer | February 15, 1838 | 187 | Birth |
Ferdinand Marquard | February 15, 1834 | 191 | Birth |
Gesche Heidewig Stucke | February 15, 1829 | 196 | Birth |
Agutte Kantwilike | February 15, 1825 | 200 | Birth |
Johann Haßhagen | February 15, 1805 | 220 | Death |
Martins Betatis | February 15, 1767 | 258 | Birth |
Genoveva Maiß | February 15, 1728 | 297 | Death |
Endrus Meieris + Ane Tinginike | February 15, 1931 | 94 | Marriage |
Petras Peteris + Elze Sarapins | February 15, 1926 | 99 | Marriage |
Leopold Schlentner + Auguste Willenbrecht | February 15, 1920 | 105 | Marriage |
Petras Bertullis + Else Peczike | February 15, 1899 | 126 | Marriage |
Jons Lola + Agutte Szimkike | February 15, 1898 | 127 | Marriage |
Mertins Szlependorfs + Mare Balceratike | February 15, 1898 | 127 | Marriage |
Friedrich Robert Zansinger + Ottilie Bertha Petereit | February 15, 1898 | 127 | Marriage |
Ferdinand Flatau + Eva Fetting | February 15, 1898 | 127 | Marriage |
Jurgis Szlependorfs + Szule Jakszike | February 15, 1889 | 136 | Marriage |
Petras Serapins + Mare Trumpatike | February 15, 1887 | 138 | Marriage |
Mertins Lorenczas + Urte Gawenike | February 15, 1887 | 138 | Marriage |
Adolph Wahl + Auguste Caroline Geelhaar | February 15, 1887 | 138 | Marriage |
Ferdinand Schillemat + Amalie Henriette Hermann | February 15, 1876 | 149 | Marriage |
Jakob Lindszus + Mare Brinkmonike | February 15, 1870 | 155 | Marriage |
Jurgis Szlependorfs + Mare Bertullike | February 15, 1859 | 166 | Marriage |
Kaspars Kasparaitis + Elze Preikszatike | February 15, 1857 | 168 | Marriage |
Jurgis Jankus + Ewe (Elze) Naujokike | February 15, 1848 | 177 | Marriage |
Friedrich (Gottfried) Hannemann + Amalie Krause | February 15, 1846 | 179 | Marriage |